Fox & Fixi YANO

Anterior walker for kids with forearm support.

Colourful rollator wheeled walker for kids perfect were upright walking position is preferred or arm dexterity and strength may be in question.

  • 3 handle types supplied for the right grip to choose from (standard handle, ellipse and spade handle)
  • Fitted with a dual brake action, puncture proof tires and large swivel castors for maximum safety and manoeuvrability
  • One hand easy to fold design
  • Powder coated aluminium frame

in stock
SKU#: 186.99.××


Length 68 cm 68 cm
Width 58 cm 58 cm
Total height 110 cm 99 cm
Forearm support height
above handle bar
99-110 cm 90-99 cm
Total length/armrest 26 cm 26 cm
Turning radius approx. 70 cm 70 cm
Height adjustment steps 5 5
Max. body weight 100 kg 100 kg
Product weight 7.8 kg 7.6 kg

Request a quotation for Rebotec Dallas and where to buy it.